Four Bridal Bouquet Shapes

The round, hand-tied bouquet is the most popular flower arrangement, but did you know that there are other bridal bouquet shapes that are just as lovely? Add a touch of whimsy and romance to your floral arm candy with these pretty bridal bouquet shapes.

bridal bouquet shape 1

Instead of creating an unnatural round shape with a bouquet of flowers, this asymmetric design provides a more organic and natural-looking arrangement. To achieve this look, simply ask your florist to make flowers and foliage more plentiful on one side.

bridal bouquet shape 2

Like the asymmetric bouquet, the crescent moon shape creates a more fluid arrangement. The only difference is that instead of placing more flowers on one side, both sides from the center have a flower arc that creates a crescent moon shape. This flower arrangement is perfect for colorful bouquets with different kinds of blossoms.

bridal bouquet shape 3

The waterfall bouquet is absolutely stunning – a mass of bountiful blooms sit on top of the bouquet and slowly taper down to form a teardrop shape. Consider a waterfall bouquet if you’re wearing simple gown or an heavily-beaded bust. If the details of your gown are concentrated on the skirt, however, it’s best to choose a different design; it would be a shame if the bouquet hid the lovely embellishments on your dress! Petite brides may also look overwhelmed by the dramatic cascade of foliage.

bridal bouquet shape 4

The flat or presentation bouquet is made up of long-stemmed flowers nestled in the crook of your arm. It might be a little awkward to carry at first, but this bouquet would look stunning against a simple chiffon column dress or a short wedding dress.

Continue reading here: Kissing Balls: Alternative to Flower Baskets or Traditional Flower Arrangements

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